The doctrine of the Trinity is an intricate facet of Christianity.
I’m sure you’ve heard pastors and friends fumble through illustrations like the egg or a piece of fruit. If you’re not, some say an egg consists of a shell, yolk, and egg white – but it is still one egg. Three unique parts, yet one whole.
It’s not a bad illustration, but the truth is, there’s nothing like the doctrine of the Trinity. There are no three things in the world who exist together, yet separately in the same way the Godhead does. He is fully each part. God is 100% Father, 100% Son, and 100% Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, Jesus didn’t give us any parables on the Trinity.
This is a tough idea to grasp – and perhaps we weren’t meant to fully – similar to the resurrection of Jesus. But regardless, what does the Trinity mean for us? What are the implications of a triune God?
These are tough questions. But there are a few books that do a tremendous job of answering them – and some. Here are four solid books on the Trinity that we recommend.
4 Recommended Books on the Holy Trinity
Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith
Written By: Michael Reeves
This is the best book on the Trinity. It's not too deep, but it is a slight deep dive. Michael Reeves shows us why the doctrine of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) is at the heart of the Christian faith. We can trace everything back to the truths of the Trinity. Such a good read. 10/10 recommend.
Communion with the Triune God
Written By: John Owen
John Owen was a brilliant Puritan theologian, and this is one of his best works. I wouldn't describe it as a 'deep dive' necessarily, but it was written many years ago, so it's not the easiest read.
He challenges all believers to truly recognize and appreciate the ministry that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have in their lives.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance
Written By: Bruce Ware
This is a great read on the Trinity, where Bruce Ware goes into a lot of practicals about what the truth of the Trinity means for us, our families, our churches, and our ministries.
It's a really great read, slightly in-depth, but a really solid book for just about anyone.
On the Trinity
Written By: Augustine
Augustine is one the greatest theologians of our time, well-known for some specific subjects and topics within the Christian faith. The Trinity is one of them.
He worked on this book (or series of books combined into one) for over fifteen years. This is one of his most profound books. I wouldn't pick it up unless I was really ready to dive deep into the doctrine of the Trinity.

Other Helpful Christian Books and Resources
We’re passionate about helpful resources. We live in an age where we have more access to sound Biblical resources than any generation ever before. That said, we also have access to a lot of not-so-sound Biblical resources. So we’re always trying to share books and commentaries that we believe are accurate and edifying.
Here are some other roundups of books and resources we’d recommend: