The certainty about Cain and Abel being twins isn’t explicitly indicated in the Bible. While a majority of Bible interpreters don’t believe they were twins, some biblical academics cite a particular Hebrew term that could suggest they were, in fact, twins.
Cain and Abel are popular characters in the Old Testament. As depicted in Genesis, they share a tragic story pointing us to the sinfulness and fallen nature of mankind following Adam and Eve’s departure from Eden.
But were Cain and Abel twins? Or just brothers close in age? Do we know how old they were at the time of the incident? Let’s dig in.
Who Were Cain and Abel?
Cain and Abel were the first two sons of Adam and Eve (probably similar heights as Adam and Eve), conceived and born shortly after the Eden story.
Many Bible scholars point to their names as a play-on-words related to the role they play in the Genesis story. Many believe Abel to be a derivative of the Hebrew word “herdsman.” And Cain is a cognate of a South Arabian word meaning metalsmith. This theory would make their names descriptive of their vocations.
Genesis 4 tells us that Abel kept flocks and Cain worked the soil. So perhaps this theory is true for Abel, but a stretch for Cain.

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The Birth (or Births) of Cain and Abel
We read about the conception and birth of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4.
Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man.” Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.
Genesis 4:1-2 (NIV)
There’s nothing explicitly stating they were or weren’t twins – in the birth story nor throughout the rest of the Genesis narrative. It’s clear that Cain was born first and Abel born after, but it’s not clear how long after.
Some Hebrew scholars point to the Hebrew word translated as “later” in the text above. Some other translations choose the word “again.” The Hebrew word here is yasaph, a kind of adverb meaning “to add.” But it’s translated into the word “continued” in a couple of places in the Scriptures, causing some bloggers to assume Eve “continued” to give birth.
The case is pretty weak, as the word yasaph is used frequently in the Bible, and most often clearly meant to refer to an addition. The fact that some translators chose the word “continued” in a few places doesn’t indicate that this is its meaning in Genesis 4.
Cain later goes on to murder Abel – the first recorded murder in history. Following their conflict, Cain marries a wife and has children of his own, living the rest of his life under the burden, and somewhat afraid of someone coming after him.
Cain and Abel Were Likely Not Twins
Based on a responsible reading of The Bible and holding back the temptation not to overreach, we can conclude that it’s unlikely Cain and Abel were twins. My personal take is that if they were twins, something tells me it would have been notable and explicitly stated. It doesn’t necessarily change the meaning of the story, but makes the message even stronger if they had been.